Our CEO Thomas King was interviewed on the ABC’s Country Hour radio program, unpacking the top five moments in alternative proteins this year with host Matt Bran.

Thomas explained why alternative proteins such as plant-based meats are seeing such a surge in popularity both down under and around the world, as well as what’s spurring developments in the yet-to-be-commercialised cellular agriculture sector.

The top five moments in alternative proteins in 2020 Thomas highlighted included:

1. The official opening of the first plant-based meat manufacturing facility in NSW by ProForm to produce its ‘MEET’ branded products 

2. Singapore giving regulatory approval for the sale of cell-cultivated chicken

3. Australian icon Four’N Twenty making a plant-based pie

4. Cellular agriculture start-up Vow’s culinary demonstration of their latest samples of cultivated meats with  renowned Chef Neil Perry

5. Plant-based meat products becoming ubiquitous in Australian grocery stores and restaurant chains

For all the details on these milestone moments, listen to the full interview with Thomas King and Matt Bran on ABC Radio here: Lab-grown kangaroo meat, plant-based pies and more: The year that was for alternative proteins [ABC NT Country Hour]

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