We are thrilled to share big news for Food Frontier: we’ve appointed our next CEO, leader and specialist changemaker Jane Sydenham-Clarke. 

Food Frontier was founded in 2017 by outgoing CEO Thomas King, who will transition to Chair. Since Food Frontier’s inception, Thomas has led our organisation’s research, events and engagements, enabling stakeholders across the landscape to understand and unlock the benefits of alternative proteins. He will continue to provide considered input in his role as Chair, while Jane takes the mantle to drive our organisation’s future work in advancement of our founding vision and mission.

Jane brings to Food Frontier a wealth of experience working to drive societal change in transformational leadership roles, having held management and executive roles across government, commercial and not-for-profit settings across Victoria and Australia.  Jane joins us from not-for-profit Skyline Education Foundation Australia, where she was inaugural CEO, and prior to that she held C-suite roles at Freemasons Victoria, Fed Square, Southgate Arts and Leisure Precinct, Kidney Health Australia and VicHealth. While the world of alternative proteins is new to Jane, she is passionate about strengthening our food systems to bring greater sustainable and nutritious choices to consumers in our region.

Thomas commended Jane’s credentials and commitment to a growth mindset, saying “With her impressive track record engaging diverse stakeholders to drive purposeful systems change, I couldn’t be more thrilled to have her join as the new leader of Food Frontier.”

“Throughout her career and particularly in the health space, Jane has been a strategic and hands-on leader, building broad-reaching alliances in complex environments and delivering impactful domestic and international outcomes. 

“Her proven ability to educate and unite people in a system of collective impact is an incredible asset to Food Frontier as we continue expanding our role as the lead educator and facilitator in the alt-proteins ecosystem down under.” 

Jane’s journey to Food Frontier was serendipitous – she found herself incredibly inspired watching Thomas on ABC’s One-Plus-One discussing the power of alternative proteins, while at the same time her son was sharing his enthusiasm for plant-based eating. When she heard of the CEO role, she knew it was a values-aligned opportunity.

“I admire what Thomas and the team have created, and it’s an honour to join this extraordinary, critical, mission-driven organisation,” said Jane. “In every role I’ve desired to be part of a system of collective impact, and Food Frontier’s work offers an incredible opportunity to strengthen our food systems to bring greater options to consumers in Australia and New Zealand.”

In considering the opportunity of her new role leading Food Frontier, Jane said, “This generation must take pragmatic action to leave the world better for future generations, and I believe Food Frontier is doing just that in highlighting the economic, environmental and health benefits of alternative proteins. I look forward to leading Food Frontier’s work in growing our region’s protein supply with new, sustainable and nutritious options.” 

Leaders across the alt-proteins ecosystem will have the opportunity to meet Jane at Food Frontier’s upcoming conference, AltProteins 22, where she will host a panel and give closing remarks.