Quorn, the world’s largest plant-based meat company, has committed to a complete nutritional review of its product portfolio, acknowledging the growing links between public health issues and sustainability.

Taking cues from a 2019 Lancet Commission report linking rising global rates of obesity with climate change, Quorn’s Sustainable Development Manager Tess Kelly says the company doesn’t “have the luxury to tackle obesity, pandemics, and climate change separately any longer.”  

Kelly believes the food industry should be “held to account in terms of protecting and regenerating food systems and the environment.”  Speaking at a health policy conference in the UK, she underscored that the Lancet report “builds on a huge body of evidence…on the links between the way that we produce our food, the impact that that is having on the environment, the inequalities inherent in our systems and between communities, and the intensification of our agricultural systems.”

Quorn will be assessing products individually to ensure the company identifies “all opportunities to improve the health benefits of our products”.

READ MORE: Quorn links obesity to climate change, commits to ‘full review’ of product portfolio [Food Navigator]