What a year! 2020 was a year of great challenges and change, with the COVID-19 pandemic reminding us of the interconnectedness of our global ecological, economic and food systems.

Amidst all of this, we witnessed increasing interest and investment in the alternative proteins industry, down under and around the globe – signalling a continued shift towards alternatives that can better our global food system.

As the independent think tank and expert advisor on alternative proteins in Australia and New Zealand, Food Frontier’s role in accelerating plant-based meat and cellular agriculture in our region was evident this year.

Food Frontier illuminated the economic, environmental and public health benefits of these alternatives and strengthened our local alternative proteins ecosystem.  Some of last year’s highlights include:

– Produced a global-first report investigating the health and nutrition of plant-based meats to answer the common question – Are plant-based meats a healthier choice? – offering data and insights that were amplified across national media

– Fostered conversations and collaboration within the food and agriculture sectors such as the Future of Protein Forum; our third industry roundtable (over Zoom, of course) united leaders representing almost all domestic plant-based meat companies

– Doubled the size of our team to bring new expertise across research, strategy, food technology and supply chains, which is already accelerating connections and conversations

READ MORE in our 2020 Year in Review.

Transform the Future of Food: Our work is made possible through the generous support and engagement from those who share our vision of a safer, more sustainable and diversified protein supply. Transform the future of food with us: https://donate.foodfrontier.org/ 

FOR MORE FOOD FRONTIER NEWS: https://www.foodfrontier.org/news/